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Nucleotides cartel punished

Nucleotides cartel punished

The European Commission continues to crack down on unfair
competition and punish the illegal activities with the news this
week that is has fined three companies involved in a food flavour
enhancers (nucleotides) cartel.

Cargill expands the adVenture

Cargill expands the adVenture

US agribusiness Cargill digs deeper into its pockets with the
recent announcement that - via its venture capital arm - the
company is to invest more in emerging technologies in food
applications, animal productivity and industrial...

Understanding the wheat genome

Understanding the wheat genome

In a move to boost industry research and enhance nutritional
applications of wheat and other major cereal crops, chemical giant
DuPont announced this week that it is making proprietary wheat
genome data available to public and private...

EU, Poland to liberalise trade

EU, Poland to liberalise trade

Poland, along with nine other countries in Central and Eastern
Europe, will join the European Union in 2004, but in the meantime
it will become easier for current EU food and drink producers to
trade with the country following a recent...

A dream for chocoholics

A dream for chocoholics

Canadian biopharmaceutical company Forbes Medi-Tech this week
reports on study results showing that chocolate, containing its
cholesterol-lowering phytosterol ingredient Reducol, significanly
reduced LDL cholesterol in people with...

Growing old sensibly

Growing old sensibly

Early next century there will be more Europeans over 60 years old
than under 20. A major European funded project currently underway
will examine the factors that determine food choice and acceptance
for older people in a bid to improve...

Recall advice down under

Recall advice down under

The food safety authority down under - Food Standards Australia New
Zealand (FSANZ) - launches the latest edition of the Food
Industry Recall Protocol to assist the food industry on steps
to take when a food recall becomes necessary.

Feeding European science

Feeding European science

With the aim of improving scientific understanding in the European
Union, in November this year Brussels witnessed the launch of one
of the biggest research programmes in the world - the Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6). A slice of...

Iron lacks strength in UK

Iron lacks strength in UK

Iron deficiency in infants is a cause of concern in the UK when a
conference heard that one in four infants over six months old is
iron-deficient in some parts of the country. Leading nutritional
experts are calling for new initiatives...

Fear not the cranberries

Fear not the cranberries

The gastronomic delights of Christmas appear to be the focus of
current research at the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA). Earlier
this week we reported on a recent study of dried fruit - destined
for mince-pies and Christmas pudding....

Acne: modern diet to blame

Acne: modern diet to blame

Eating too much refined bread and cereal may be at the root of the
teenage acne suffered by almost all adolescents in the developed
world, according to a report in this month's New Scientist
which reveals new US research.

Drop in PAHs

Drop in PAHs

Food safety issues may be increasing in Europe but according to a
recent study of people's diets, levels of a group of harmful
chemicals have fallen in food during the past 20 years.

Cheese under the knife

Cheese under the knife

Hispanic-style cheese made in Mexico may provide US scientists at
the Agricultural Research Service with a better scientific
understanding of how to improve the overall quality of cheese in

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