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UK soya company expands

UK soya company expands

UK food ingredients supplier Soya International has acquired the
soft drinks and juice manufacturing business from Bradford-based
company T Kearns. The business, ventured under the new name of
Simran Enterprises, will add to the growing...

Boost for Bites

Boost for Bites

Thai Bites, the rice cracker snack from Jacob's, is to benefit from
a major advertising and promotional campaign in 2003, with the
company setting aside £4.5 million to help push the brand into the
top spot in the cracker...

Burns Philp bid continues

Burns Philp bid continues

Australian ingredients company Burns Philp has agreed to waive or
change some of the conditions of its A$2 billion (€1.1bn) takeover
bid of Goodman Fielder, Australia's largest food company, leading
the Australian Takeovers Panel...

NPD plant 'opens up'

NPD plant 'opens up'

A £3 million (€4.6m) pilot research facility for new food product
development will be managed by Food Knowledge & Know-how (FKK)
of Reading Scientific Services following a new agreement with the
University of Reading.

Carrefour, Auchan sell stores

Carrefour, Auchan sell stores

French retail rivals Carrefour and Auchan have both announced
developments for their foreign subsidiaries. In Spain, Carrefour
has sold 45 Champion supermarket outlets, while in the US, Auchan
will close its two Texan hypermarkets... say 'protato' say 'protato'

Genetically modified potatoes, developed to tackle malnutrition
among poor Indian children, are in the final stages of testing,
according to a report in the journal New Scientist.

What, no shortbread?

What, no shortbread?

No more deep-fried chocolate bars, fry-ups and shortbread for the
Scots. A major new long term campaign, launched yesterday by the
Scottish government, will seek to improve the diet of the Scots in
a bid to combat the nation's...

Ahold encouraged by sales rise

Ahold encouraged by sales rise

Last year was a difficult one for Dutch retail group Ahold, at the
profit level at least, but the final sales figures for 2002 were
nonetheless encouraging. But with organic growth rates slowing
considerably compared to 2001, there...

Beer delights

Beer delights

Good news for post-Christmas bingeing blues - a new study reveals
that moderate beer drinking could lower heart attack risk.
According to a group of Israeli researchers, a beer a day may help
keep heart attacks away.

Dramatic figures for obesity

Dramatic figures for obesity

As consumerism continues on its upward curve, new figures released
this week show that obesity and diabetes epidemics continued to
escalate in 2001. In just over ten years, obesity has increased by
more that 70 per cent in the US.

Fair organics

Fair organics

The UK Soil Association and the Fairtrade Foundation on Friday
launcheda new pilot project to combine organic and Fairtrade
certification whichwill apply to British and imported foods.

Removing fear from oysters

Removing fear from oysters

This week people across the world will be indulging in one of the
wonders of nature's waters - oysters. Unfortunately, for a handful
of people each year the pleasure can be disastrous if they become
infected by a deadly bacteria...

Metro opens Japanese store

Metro opens Japanese store

Metro, the German retailer, this month opened its first Cash &
Carry outlet in Japan, a market where it sees great potential in
the years to come. The store is a joint venture with Japan's
Marubeni Corp.

Antioxidants vs genes

Antioxidants vs genes

Scientists at the University of Southampton in the UK have received
funding to study whether genes can influence the benefits gained by
some people from dietary antioxidants. The team is hoping to find
out why some people benefit...

Draft for rice genome

Draft for rice genome

A collaborative global effort has resulted in the completion of an
advanced draft, or blueprint, of the rice genome. Officials at the
US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the National Science
Foundation (NSF) and the Department of...

ABF sells flour operations

ABF sells flour operations

In a bid to streamline its UK milling operations, food and
ingredients group Associated British Foods is to sell its British
third party flour milling business to ADM Milling, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland.

Contaminants workshop

Contaminants workshop

Food contamination is a major issue that the European, and global,
food industry faces today. A one day seminar in the UK will examine
how the industry can respond to the challenge and devise a strategy
to cope.

Extending dairy shelf life

Extending dairy shelf life

Research carried out at the Texas A&M university shows how
increasing the pressure during the milk homogenisation process
could improve dairy industry consumer products of tomorrow, claim
scientists this week.

Tesco cleared to buy T&S

Tesco cleared to buy T&S

Tesco's bid to increase its share of the UK convenience store
sector looks set to go ahead unchecked following the announcement
that its acquisition of the T&S group will not fall foul of the
competition authorities. A bitter...

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