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Growth set to slow for FABs

Growth set to slow for FABs

The phenomenal growth in sales of flavoured alcoholic beverages was
always going to be hard to maintain in the long term, and a new
report from Canadean predicts that sales in leading markets will
slow substantially in the next two...

FAB-ulous growth

FAB-ulous growth

The international market for flavoured alcoholic beverages has
witnessed strong growth in recent years and despite a predicted dip
the pace is set to continue in coming years, cites a new study from
UK market analysts Canadean.

Shea nut to beat swellings

Shea nut to beat swellings

Danish vegetable oils and fats company Aarhus Oliefabrik announced
yesterday that together with Astion, it will increase the
development portfolio of BSP Pharma principally using oil from the
African shea nut.

Tea tackles tans

Tea tackles tans

The virtues of tea multiply by the year with scientists across the
world unveiling new health benefits of this global beverage.
Researchers in the US report this week that extracts from white tea
may be able to protect the skin from...

Latin America hits IFF results

Latin America hits IFF results

US flavours and fragrance giant International Flavors &
Fragrances saw fourth quarter 2002 sales rise 5 per cent to $424.3
million (€391m) from $405.6 million for the same period in 2001,
despite weak economic conditions in Latin...

More funding to cut the fat

More funding to cut the fat

As each day passes it would seem that new initiatives are taking
place in the western world to tackle the increasing problem of
obesity and diabetes. This week George W. Bush, US president,
announced that the fiscal year 2004 budget...

Bubbles in breadmaking

Bubbles in breadmaking

The stability of failure in single dough bubble walls is related
directly to the extensional strain hardening properties of the
dough and that strain hardening plays an important role in the
stabilisation of bubble walls during baking.,...

Breakfast loses appeal

Breakfast loses appeal

The dictum 'breakfast like a king, lunch as a prince, and dinner as
a pauper' has been turned on its head as the findings of a new
report from the UK reveal that nearly a third of British school
children do not eat breakfast...

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