Food safety & quality


Food fraud investigations increasing - FSAI

By Joseph James Whitworth

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has said it is increasingly investigating suspected breaches of the law relating to food fraud.

IAEA increases help for countries to test for contaminants

Shimadzu provides LC-MS/MS to IAEA

By Joseph James Whitworth

Shimadzu Corporation has donated detection equipment to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

©iStock. MAPA hit back at audit findings that long term actions have not been considered

DG SANTE slams ‘shortcomings’ in Brazil meat audit

By Joseph James Whitworth

An audit of the Brazilian official control system for beef, horse and poultry meat has found it is not fully or effectively implemented and has numerous shortcomings, according to a long-awaited report.

WSDA detects Salmonella in raw milk; firm declines to recall

News in Brief

Pride & Joy Dairy refuses WSDA raw milk recall request

By Joseph James Whitworth

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has warned consumers not to drink Pride & Joy Dairy raw milk due to Salmonella after the firm refused to recall it.

Vytenis Andriukaitis, at the Ministerial Conference on the follow up to the fipronil incident

Member States and Commission agree on measures following fipronil

Member States could each get ‘food safety officer’

By Joseph James Whitworth

Member States and the Commission have agreed on a raft of measures to reinforce action following the fipronil scandal including the possible creation of a 'food safety officer' in each Member State.


GMB: CETA trade deal sets bad precedent post-Brexit

By Joseph James Whitworth

A British trade union has attacked the CETA trade deal between Canada and Europe which comes into force later this week (21 September) adding it sets a bad precedent post-Brexit.

Picture: FSNS lab in Omaha

FSNS opens food testing lab in Omaha

By Joseph James Whitworth

Food Safety Net Services (FSNS) has opened a 16,400 square foot lab in Omaha, Nebraska with an investment in excess of $3m.


Part 4 of 6: Thermo Fisher Scientific series

Detecting chlorinated paraffins in food using HRAM GC-MS

By Khalil Divan

Due to their potential for long-range transport, persistence and ability to bio-accumulate, chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are widespread in the environment and can be found in the food chain.

Photo: © Boaz Guttman/flickr

Ecolab: Too early to quantify Hurricane Harvey impact

By Joseph James Whitworth

Ecolab has said it cannot yet quantify the effects of Hurricane Harvey but it did close three plants in Houston and industrial and refining customers also shut down operations.

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