Food safety & quality

Codex Alimentarius Commission adopts food safety guidelines

Codex agrees on Salmonella and parasite control guidelines

By Joseph James Whitworth

Guidelines for the control of Salmonella in beef and pork and on hygiene to control foodborne parasites were among the decisions taken during the first day of the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting.

Picture: Istock

No specific link in two related EIEC outbreaks - study

By Joseph James Whitworth

Whole genome sequencing showed organisms isolated from case-patients in two UK outbreaks were genetically related but no specific epidemiologic link was identified, according to a synopsis.

Picture: Foss. Three versions of the MeatMaster II X-ray fat analyser

Foss expands options for meat inspection

By Joseph James Whitworth

Foss has launched a compact version of a system to make X-ray fat analysis and foreign object detection available to a broader group of meat producers.

Picture: PURE Bioscience website

PURE Bioscience sets calendar year adoption targets

By Joseph James Whitworth

Goals for this year include completing the USDA approval process as a processing aid for raw poultry and testing PURE Control for beef and pork and file FCNs with the FDA, according to PURE Bioscience.

AMR resistance in Salmonella and Campylobacter human isolates

ECDC targets AMR data quality and comparability

By Joseph James Whitworth

An updated version of a protocol on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been published taking into account new interpretive criteria and recommendations from EUCAST.

Excellims boosts scan rate and ion transmission of HPIMS

Excellims and Washington State University expand agreement

By staff reporter

Excellims Corporation has signed an exclusive worldwide license agreement with Washington State University for a new instrumental method to interface an Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometer (APIMS) to a Mass Spectrometer (MS).

Poole: In a world of razor-thin margins, bottlenecks are bad, but data can be the lubricant that keeps production humming

Data, an asset for food labs to mine now

By Bob Poole, director of sales, EMEA, Informatics, Thermo Fisher Scientific

During the seventh annual European Innovation Summit, EU leaders discussed worries that “emotion is trumping science” when it comes to food safety.

Pie chart results from SafetyChain Software and The Acheson Group (TAG) survey

Survey finds 75% ‘not completely ready’ for FSMA

By Joseph James Whitworth

Three out of four survey respondents felt their companies were not completely ready for FSMA compliance, according to a survey by SafetyChain Software and The Acheson Group (TAG).

The rule is the seventh finalised under FSMA. Photo: Istock/izzetugutmen

Reaction to FSMA Food Defense Rule

By Joseph James Whitworth

The last major rule under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was published recently. FoodQualityNews asked around for reaction.

TAG compared BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7 against the Preventative Controls for Human Food rule of FSMA

ALSO: BRC Global Standards is to launch a module assessing food safety culture

BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7 compared to FSMA rule

By Joseph James Whitworth

BRC Global Standards commissioned The Acheson Group (TAG) to assess one of its standards against a FSMA final rule with findings showing almost complete alignment.

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