Food safety & quality

The referred sample contained Prunus protein(s) and DNA the origin of which is consistent with almond and not mahaleb

Work came after FSA referred sample and cumin testing

Testing method confirms almond in paprika, not mahaleb

By Joseph James Whitworth

DNA testing and mass spectrometry have been used to confirm almond in paprika and not mahaleb which was found in cumin as part of earlier nut and spice-related recalls.

Picture: FDA/Flickr

PLUS: Keller & Heckman reaction to food-contact substances subject to FSVP rule

FSMA produce rule is ‘damaging’ - FARFA

By Joseph James Whitworth

The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) final rule relating to produce has been described as ‘damaging’, by a national organization.

Salmonella accounted for the majority of illnesses, found the study

Collaboration encouraged to speed up outbreak investigations

By Joseph James Whitworth

Public health departments and government agencies need to work closer with industry to understand how foods are produced and distributed to speed up outbreak and traceback investigations, according to a report.

Allergens identification and labelling will be a focus of the conference

SOFHT allergens conference speakers revealed

By Joseph James Whitworth

Product recalls and withdrawals due to allergen mislabelling are on the increase, according to the Society of Hygiene and Technology (SOFHT).

Tyson Any’tizers Fully Cooked Hot Wings Buffalo Style Chicken Wing Sections

Tyson Foods recalls chicken wings due to “off odour”

By Joseph James Whitworth

Tyson Foods is recalling more than 50,000 pounds of chicken wings because of an “off odour” scent, according to the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS).

FSA is also hosting a 2 week visit from the FVO on the subject

FSA to publish new batch of Campylobacter results

By Joseph James Whitworth

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) will publish results from the first quarter of the second year of Campylobacter testing at retail later this week (19 November).

Olive oil quality is the subject of an investigation in Italy

Italy investigating olive oil fraud allegations

By Joseph James Whitworth

Italy’s antitrust agency is investigating seven olive oil producers due to concerns about the quality of products supposed to be the ‘extra virgin’ variety.  

Food safety agencies join to promote scientific cooperation

EFSA and FSCJ renew cooperation

By Joseph James Whitworth

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ) have renewed their memorandum of cooperation.

Oceana said EU governments and consumers have a role to play to prevent seafood fraud

Oceana finds fishy fraud in Brussels

By Joseph James Whitworth

Almost a third of seafood was mislabelled in Brussels with economic reasons the main driver behind the fraud, according to Oceana.

Omics approaches in food analysis was another session stream on the final day

dispatches from RAFA 2015, Prague

RAFA: Chromatography is not ‘sexy’ and food contact migration

By Joseph James Whitworth

A call not to forget chromatography when it comes to analysis and work to analyse possible migration of substances in and out of food contact materials were the highlights of the final day of an international event.

RAFA is organised by the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague and RIKILT Wageningen UR (The Netherlands)

dispatches from RAFA 2015, Prague

RAFA: Solving food fraud, citizen science and Nestlé analytical results

By Joseph James Whitworth

It is not possible to solve food fraud by analytical methods alone, the rise of citizen science and the revelation that Nestlé collects 100 million analytical results per year were some highlights from the first full day of an international symposium.

FQN, as a media partner, will be reporting live from the symposium

RAFA 2015 in Czech Republic November 3–6

FQN heads to RAFA 2015

By Joseph James Whitworth

An international conference covering the latest issues in food safety and quality with the biggest industry names starts this week.

Picture: FDA/Flickr. Salmonella growing in a petri dish. FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (2012)

Renewed push for FDA FSMA funding in budget

By Joseph James Whitworth

Public health and consumer advocates have urged the full funding of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) as final decisions are made on the fiscal 2015 budget.

Aspen Foods recall

Salmonella chicken outbreaks over – CDC

By Joseph James Whitworth

Two unconnected Salmonella outbreaks from frozen chicken have ended, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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