Food safety & quality

Anthrax is caused by the bacterium B. anthracis

ECDC: Negligible anthrax risk from contaminated meat

By Joseph James Whitworth

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has said there is a ‘negligible risk’ after a man died of Bacillus anthracis from contact with an infected cow.

Key innovators in the food safety technology market according to Frost & Sullivan

Novel tech predicted to have significant impact on food safety

By Joseph James Whitworth

Opportunities for food safety technologies are expected in the next five to six years in smartphone mobile applications, rapid pathogen detector sensors, hands-free wearable devices, and nanocomposite packaging, according to Frost & Sullivan.

Picture: FDA/flickr. The Food Safety Challenge Demo Day at FDA/CFSAN

ALSO: Food Safety Challenge winners revealed

FDA proposed rule for FSMA to support importers

By Joseph James Whitworth

The FDA has published a proposed rule on user fees for participation in another program that is near final rule stage.

FVO said Sweden had, in several cases, failed to identify serious hygiene problems and failed to take corrective action on other occasions

FVO finds ‘limited progress’ in Swedish audit

By Joseph James Whitworth

There has been ‘limited progress’ since an audit in 2010 in Sweden with most corrective actions still recorded as being in progress, according to the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO).

E.coli O157 outbreaks by transmission mode and year 2003–2012

E.coli outbreaks grow and beef is top cause

By Joseph James Whitworth

There were more E. coli O157 outbreaks during 2003–2012 than the previous 20 years, possibly due to improvements in surveillance, according to research.

The work was approved at the 38th CAC meeting

dispatches from codex alimentarius, geneva

Codex backs work on international standard for quinoa

By Joseph James Whitworth

Bolivia and the US have been given the go ahead to work on an international standard for quinoa by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).

Listeria sampling was a concern from the audit on meat products

Listeria sampling concerns raised in FVO audit

By Joseph James Whitworth

Sampling for Listeria monocytogenes after cleaning in Denmark undermines the sensitivity of testing of processing areas and equipment, according to a Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) audit.

One product recalled by Barber Foods

Seven Salmonella illnesses linked to chicken

By Joseph James Whitworth

Two outbreaks of Salmonella linked to raw, frozen, breaded and pre-browned stuffed chicken entrees have sickened seven people, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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