
COOL a hot issue again

COOL a hot issue again

The current BSE crisis in the US has touched numerous industries
and ignited countless issues. One of these topics that the crisis
has brought back to life has been the simmering feud over
country-of-origin labelling of beef and other...

New markets for Nutrinova

New markets for Nutrinova

Sales of the high intensity sweetener acesulfame K look set to rise
for ingredients firm Nutrinova with the company confirming this
week that the FDA has approved its non-carbohydrate sweetener
Sunett as a general purpose sweetener...

Countdown for labels

Countdown for labels

Retailers and manufacturers working in Australia have five days to
go before meeting the new rules on food labels, warned the Food
Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today.

Europe to vote on GM foods

Europe to vote on GM foods

This afternoon food specialists from member states will vote on a
proposal to end Europe's five year moratorium on genetically
modified foods. A deeply-divided issue, the outcome of the vote
will either disappoint or delight.

EU law spotlight at FiE

EU law spotlight at FiE

As a raft of new food legislation, notably the labelling of food
allergens and genetically modified organisms, enters into force in
Europe, food manufacturers cannot afford to be less than au
fait with the new rules. Under the umbrella...

Olive oil rules!

Olive oil rules!

Measures to support the sustainable development of Europe's olive
oil crops find their roots in reform to the EU's Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) cleared in June. The Commission is
working on new rules to take this further...

GMOs, the state of play

GMOs, the state of play

The advent of new European legislation on genetically modified
organisms - applicable as of last week - will hit all players in
the food industry. In a bid to render the new rules clearer we have
decided to take the step to publish...

Protecting knowledge

Protecting knowledge

The protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) is essential
not only for researchers to work willingly together on innovative
research, but also in order to bring the fruits of this
collaboration to the market. IPR is, however,...

CAP: securing the future

CAP: securing the future

With the European Union soon to represent 450 million consumers,
which common agricultural policy will best serve an enlarged
Europe? "A single CAP that serves a single, united Europe,"
said the leading crusader of CAP reform...

EU crackdown on salmonella

EU crackdown on salmonella

European Commissioner David Byrne welcomed the Agriculture
Council's decision this week on new rules to cut the incidence of
foodborne diseases in the European Union. Salmonella alone costs
the EU an estimated €2.8bn.

Sugar proposals sweet enough?

Sugar proposals sweet enough?

Although trade talks in Cancun collapsed this month the pressure
remains on the European Union to shake up its heavily subsidised
sugar regime. At a time when the sugar industry continues to
struggle as fears grow over a worldwide...

Pasta contamination

Pasta contamination

The UK food agency has warned consumers that some batches of a
pasta sauce sold in the UK contain chilli powder contaminated with
the illegal chemical dye Sudan I, a known carcinogen.

GRAS status for milk protein

GRAS status for milk protein

A few months after the US Department of Agriculture gave the all
clear for processors to use activated lactoferrin, a milk protein,
to fight disease-causing bacteria arrives the endorsement from the
US Food and Drug Administration.

US calls for GM dispute panel

US calls for GM dispute panel

The United States, Argentina and Canada have asked the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) to set up a dispute settlement panel to decide
whether or not the EU's policies on genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) constitute a barrier...

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