
High flying hygiene

High flying hygiene

Aircraft and ships will shortly be required to maintain the same
levels of hygiene and food safety as other food premises, following
the recent passing of a new government order to come into force as
of the 18 August 2003.

Food code undergoes changes

Food code undergoes changes

Newly-formed food agency, the Food Standards Australia New Zealand
(FSANZ), is inviting public comment on a gamut of possible changes
to the Food Standards Code, including infant foods labelling,
artificial sweeteners and GM soybeans.

Swiss reject GM moratorium

Swiss reject GM moratorium

The Swiss Parliament has rejected a moratorium on GM crops. The
Lower House voted to reject the moratorium by 77:70, reflecting an
about-turn by the Lower House to support the Upper House, which at
the beginning of June voted overwhelmingly...

CIAA backs reform

CIAA backs reform

With a production value of over €600 billion, the responsibility of
up to 3 million employees, and the main user of Community
agricultural produce, the European food and drink industries this
week encouraged ministers to back CAP...

Ploughing the route to reform

Ploughing the route to reform

Ahead of testing negotiations, aimed at reaching a decision on the
reform proposals to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), that
start today at the Agriculture Council in Luxembourg, Agriculture
Commissioner Franz Fischler confirmed...

Assessing the GM mood

Assessing the GM mood

The food industry, consumers and politicians in Europe are alive to
the sound of three words - genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Barely a day goes by without a reference to this controversial
aspect of biotechnology. And the...

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