
Chief appointed for EFSA

Chief appointed for EFSA

Recruitment is over for the executive director of the new European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with the announcement yesterday that
Geoffrey Podger has had the all clear from the European
Parliament's Environment Committee -...

New rules for flavourings

New rules for flavourings

In the same week that the agriculture Council cleared the way for
tougher GM legislation in Europe, the European Commission has
announced a new proposal that seeks to harmonise the use of food
additives in flavourings in order to...

CAP: food industry reacts

CAP: food industry reacts

The European food and drink industry this week gave a vote of
confidence to the radical revamp of the 41 year old Common
Agricultural Policy proposed by European Agriculture Commissioner
Franz Fischler - but gave a clear warning about...

Codex discusses fats and oils

Codex discusses fats and oils

In light of the 18th session of the Codex Committee on Fats and
Oils to be held in London, UK on 3-7 February 2003, the US
Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration said
this week that they are to sponsor a public...

GRAS for Loders omega

GRAS for Loders omega

Netherlands-based edible oils company Loders Croklaan Lipid
Nutrition announced this week that the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has confirmed GRAS status for its omega-3
fatty acid product Marinol C-38.

GM labelling vote: an update

GM labelling vote: an update

We reported yesterday that voters in the US state of Oregon had
voiced a resounding 'no' to Measure 27, an initiative that would
have required labels on food containing genetically engineered
material. Clearly a sensitive...

The hangover from hell

The hangover from hell

A wee dram after a hard day at work could lead to severe abdominal
pain, the UK Food Standards Agency claimed this week. The agency is
warning people not to drink counterfeit Johnnie Walker Black Label
whisky as it has been found...

Acrylamide update

Acrylamide update

In May 2002 Swedish scientists released information that
acrylamide, a potential carcinogen, had been found in a range of
foods. Food agencies across the world are monitoring the situation
very closely. An upcoming conference in the...

Tough talk from Commission

Tough talk from Commission

All Member States must fully and swiftly implement the 1998
European Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological
inventions or Europe will fall behind its competitors in this
crucial sector - so the European Commission warned...

Solutions to acrylamide?

Solutions to acrylamide?

When scientists from Sweden reported earlier this year that several
ordinary foodstuffs could contain high levels of acrylamide - a
potentially cancer-causing chemical - governments, food
associations and food manufacturers drew a...

GM wheat: an unacceptable crop?

GM wheat: an unacceptable crop?

Europeans are not the only consumers wary about genetically
modified foods and the notion of GM wheat. A Reuters report
on Thursday elaborates on how Asian buyers of US wheat remain
largely opposed to the planned introduction of genetically...

FSA guides the food industry

FSA guides the food industry

The UK Food Standards Agency has published a guide to the
provisions of the 1990 Food Safety Act and other UK legislation
covering the composition and labelling of foods, chemical safety,
food hygiene, control of foodstuffs and trading...

EFSA - the first meeting

EFSA - the first meeting

Progress towards the founding of Europe's Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) has been closely followed by Foodnavigator.com, including an
interview this week with the freshly appointed spokesman for the
EFSA, Andrew Stimpson. As such,...

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