
Nutrinova wins patent case

Nutrinova wins patent case

Food ingredient company Nutrinova has won a legal battle against
Zhangjiagang Hope Chemicals for infringement of it's European
patent for the manufacture of the high intensity sweetener
Acesulfame K (AcK).

Acrylamide focus

Acrylamide focus

How was acrylamide first discovered in food in Sweden? What is the
UK Food Standards Agency planning to do about the problem? What are
the toxicological effects of acrylamide? A seminar devoted to this
new food safety phenomenon is...

Safety in the can

Safety in the can

Tin levels in UK canned foods are lower than five years ago and are
well within regulatory limits, according to a UK Food Standards
Agency survey released last week.

Soy sauce safety improves

Soy sauce safety improves

One year on and the quality of soy sauce used in catering outlets
in the UK appears to have improved. The UK Food Standards Agency
(FSA) recently carried out a survey and found fewer samples
containing unacceptable levels of the chemical...

The art of biotechnology

The art of biotechnology

The incorporation of genes from other organisms into food plants
has raised concerns about possible health risks and environmental
consequences. A new report from the American Academy of
Microbiology (AAM) looks at the case of a bacterium...

Fighting pathogens

Fighting pathogens

DuPont Qualicon has appointed UK-based company Oxoid as
distributors in Europe and Australia for its BAX system, an
automated testing platform for food-borne pathogens.

GM foods debate at FDA

GM foods debate at FDA

Concerns in the US about the potential for future genetically
engineered foods to cause allergic reactions has spurred the Food
and Drug Administration to hold a meeting to look into the best
methods for determining whether these...

Damage limitation from USDA

Damage limitation from USDA

The US Agriculture Department, trying to repair its image after the
second-largest recall in history, is considering new regulations
that would require meat companies to implement more food safety
safeguards, consumer groups said...

French food labels face change

French food labels face change

France has agreed to a European Union demand to end the practice of
labelling French food products in French only, Les Echos
reports. The French government is now drafting an order requiring
food companies to attach labels in at least...

Swiss approve yeast inhibitor

Swiss approve yeast inhibitor

Switzerland is the latest country to approve the use of natamycin,
an inhibitor of moulds and yeasts, in cheese and meat production
joining the European Union, the US, some South American and Eastern
European countries who have already...

Kava kava importers face jail

Kava kava importers face jail

The controversial herbal ingredient kava, kava is once again in the
news when the UK Food Standards Agency this week announced that it
is seeking views on draft regulations that would result in the
removal from sale of food products...

US moves to empower USDA

US moves to empower USDA

The US Agriculture Department, now investigating the second-largest
meat recall in history, would gain authority to issue civil fines
against companies that make unsafe food, under a bill introduced on
Thursday by three Democrats.

EU tightens food hygiene rules

EU tightens food hygiene rules

The European Commission is in the news again this week with the
latest proposal to strengthen food safety in the Member States.
According to a statement released on Tuesday, the Commission is to
revamp official controls relating to...

BSE: export rules change

BSE: export rules change

The European Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health
voted in favour of a European Commission proposal changing the
rules for the dispatch from the United Kingdom of bovine products
under the Date-Based Export Scheme...

Are imported ingredients safe?

Are imported ingredients safe?

How easy is it to ensurethat foods and ingredients imported from
outside the EU are safe, ofsufficient quality and legal? How can UK
food companies ensure completetraceability of imported food
products? These questions will be tackled...

Unfit food destroyed

Unfit food destroyed

More than nine tonnes of food found unfit for human consumption was
destroyed in the United Arab Emirates in the first six months of
this year, the Gulf News reports.

Meat scares continue in Japan

Meat scares continue in Japan

Just when the Japanese food industry appeared to be settling down
after a period dogged with food scares and consumer fears, the
industry was stung on Friday by another quality-control scandal
when the government accused a company...

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