
Towards 3 per cent GDP

Towards 3 per cent GDP

In a bid to increase European competitity in the global research
arena the European Commission announced new measures destined to
encourage public and private players across Europe to upgrade their
research effort.

Tightening feed rules

Tightening feed rules

The Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health at the
European Commission has adopted a series of transitional and
permanent implementing measures in preparation for the application
of the Animal By-Products Regulation...

Collagen regs in NI

Collagen regs in NI

The FSA is inviting comment on the draft Collagen and Gelatine
(Intra-Community Trade) Regulations for Northern Ireland 2003.
Comments are particularly welcome regarding the impact on business,
identification of additional costs and...

FSA honey regulations updated

FSA honey regulations updated

The Food Standards Agency in England is seeking comments on draft
regulations that include requirements for honey to be labelled with
country of origin. The regulations set out compositional standards
that a product must comply with...

FSAI embraces transparency

FSAI embraces transparency

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) yesterday made a
further step towards openness and transparency with the launch of a
new tool to improve the flow of information between consumer and
state and to gauge industry views on...

Bullying French unions fined

Bullying French unions fined

The European Commission for the first time imposed fines on farmers
unions yesterday. Six French federations in the beef sector
received a total of €16.7 million in fines for taking part in an
agreement to set a minimum price for...

Hope for CAP

Hope for CAP

Decoupling would secure significant income gains for EU farmers,
writes the European Commission this week. The comment on the link
between production and subsidy - so called 'decoupling' - is in
response to the release of...

EFSA, the way forward

EFSA, the way forward

'A landmark meeting' is how Stuart Slorach, the chairman of the
European Food Safety Agency board described the first presentation
of their newly elected executive director, Geoffrey Podger.

Ringing in the changes...

Ringing in the changes...

Enzymes, wholegrains and esters are on the agenda as newly formed
food safety agency Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
continues to tackle the Food Standards Code with the
invitation this week for public comment on a number...

Ministers debate CAP

Ministers debate CAP

Meeting in Brussels this week under the umbrella of the Agriculture
Council, European agriculture ministers hammered out the latest
issues affecting agriculture in Europe. Food safety and CAP reform
headlined the event.

EFSA: the right flavour?

EFSA: the right flavour?

Geoffrey Podger, the recently elected executive director of the
European Food Safety Authority, this week gave the green light for
the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to evaluate flavours
for an EU-wide initiative that is...

Health: EU moves up a gear

Health: EU moves up a gear

The high profile issue of health continues to grab the spotlight
with the news yesterday that the European Commission is to pour
€312m into a new action programme 'to protect and improve the
health of Europe's citizens'.

SCF reviews carrageenan

SCF reviews carrageenan

The European Commission's Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) has
released its opinion on the safety of carrageenan, mainly in
response to work published by Tobacman in October 2001, reports
Reading Scientific Services this week.

Natural patents

Natural patents

Last week we reported on a new survey that revealed the growing
popularity of natural colours. Good news for ingredients companies
such as Danish Chr.Hansen who announced this week that the United
States Patent and Trademark Office...

Advisory Forum inauguration

Advisory Forum inauguration

Last week we reported on the distinctly sloth-like installation of
the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), but newly installed
executive director of the EFSA, Geoffrey Podger, reports that the
first meeting of its Advisory Forum...

GRAS for Xangold

GRAS for Xangold

Health ingredients manufacturer Cognis Nutrition and Health has
announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
approved GRAS status for the company's Xangold brand natural lutein
esters products in a variety of...

AOC basmati

AOC basmati

New guidance aimed at ensuring UK consumers are not bluffed into
buying rice incorrectly labelled as 'basmati' has been published
this week by the UK Food Standards Agency.

Let up for Piveg

Let up for Piveg

Mexican company Pigmentos Vegetales del Centro (Piveg) was recently
granted a temporary stay of injunction - the initial phase of a
patent infringement suit initiated by lutein supplier Kemin Foods
and the Catholic University of America...

EFSA calls for scientists

EFSA calls for scientists

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is slowly taking form -
several months behind schedule - with the announcement this week
that it is currently on the look out for scientists to join its
scientific committee and scientific...

Fair organics

Fair organics

The UK Soil Association and the Fairtrade Foundation on Friday
launcheda new pilot project to combine organic and Fairtrade
certification whichwill apply to British and imported foods.

Nucleotides cartel punished

Nucleotides cartel punished

The European Commission continues to crack down on unfair
competition and punish the illegal activities with the news this
week that is has fined three companies involved in a food flavour
enhancers (nucleotides) cartel.

Recall advice down under

Recall advice down under

The food safety authority down under - Food Standards Australia New
Zealand (FSANZ) - launches the latest edition of the Food
Industry Recall Protocol to assist the food industry on steps
to take when a food recall becomes necessary.

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