
The European Commission and environment MEPs have had multiple clashes over the subject of GM crops and glyphosate of late. © iStock

MEPs’ tough anti-GM stance criticised by industry

By David Burrows

The row over glyphosate continues to spill over into decisions relating to genetically modified (GM) crops after environment MEPs called on the European Commission to withdraw its authorisations for the use of a GM maize resistant to the weedkiller.

Total sugar, added sugar, free sugars and of which sugars...would it be easier if nutrition labels just depicted the amount of sugar that has been added in teaspoons? © iStock


Should Europeans be told how much sugar is added to their food?

By Niamh Michail

Nutrition labels in the US will now have to tell consumers how much sugar has been added by manufacturers and how much is naturally occurring. Is it time Europe introduced similar measures so consumers know whether the food they are eating is healthy?

The National Obesity Forum report on fats and carbohydrates has been attacked by its own board members

National Obesity Forum fat report rejected by board members

By Rick Pendrous

Health lobby group the National Obesity Forum (NOF) has come under swingeing attacks from some of its own medical advisers in press reports over the past weekend, following controversial advice it rushed out last week advising people to eat more fatty...

'Many Europeans still don’t know that they eat on average 61 kilos of soy per year, mostly embedded in their meat and dairy products,' said WWF senior advisor Sandra Mulder. © iStock

Call for EU action plan as firms shirk responsibility on soy

By David Burrows

The EU needs a deforestation action plan after a World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) analysis of the bloc’s largest food companies showed many are using consumer ignorance to dodge their “massive responsibility” when sourcing soy.

The clean label starch is ideal for products that undergo a harsh production process, such as dairy desserts or sauces. © iStock

Beneo launches clean label native starch

By Niamh Michail

Beneo has launched a clean label native rice starch made using a thermal production process developed as part of a three-year research project.

Manufacturers should be made to declare how much potassium is in processed food, say campaigners, which could help certain consumers increase their daily intake and allow others to avoid it for health reasons. © iStock

Make potassium labelling mandatory for processed food: UK petition

By Niamh Michail

As new nutrition guidelines make labelling potassium on packaged foods mandatory in the US, a UK petition is urging the government to do the same but for different reasons - it would end the processed food "nightmare" for sufferers of Chronic...

EU membership 'is vital' for the success of our food and drink sector: Sir Stuart Rose


EU ‘vital for food industry success’: Sir Stuart Rose

By Michael Stones

EU membership is “vital for the success” of the UK food and drink manufacturing sector, argues Sir Stuart Rose, chairman of Britain Stronger in Europe and former executive chairman of Marks & Spencer.

The Real Bread Campaign was left 'disappointed' by the ASA's lack of action. © iStock

B2B firms know artisan doesn’t mean….well, artisan, says ASA

By Niamh Michail

An advert for a bread mix that promises “an easy way to make sour dough and artisan breads” is not misleading because it targets B2B firms who know the end product will be ‘artisan-style’, says the UK’s advertising watchdog.

Following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet recommended by official UK guidelines is the wrong approach, according to a The National Obesity Forum. (©

'Food science has been 'corrupted by commercial influences,' slam authors

Government guidelines for low-fat diet 'disastrous' for health: report

By Will Chu

Following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, recommended by official UK guidelines, is based on "flawed science" that has had "disastrous" health consequences, according to a report by a UK health charity.

The service helps retailers shift more than 1.3 million products each month, that would likely have gone unsold otherwise. © Zéro-Gâchis


Waste-zapping app looks for new retail partners

By Niamh Michail

Helping retailers shift over 1.3 million products that would have been wasted otherwise is just the first step for French company, Zéro-Gâchis, which has set its sights on expanding to Spain, Belgium and beyond.

Much of Turkey's food regulation is harmonised with EU law making it a hassle-free country to do business  - although there are some notable exceptions, such as GMOs, nutrient profiles and maximum salt levels. © iStock

Spotlight on Turkish regulation: 'It's an easy market to enter'

By Niamh Michail

Harmonisation of Turkish and EU food law make it an easy and attractive market for foreign companies, but on issues that affect public health - such as nutrient profiles, health claims, GM food and salt reduction - the country is forging its own path. FoodNavigator...

The big issue: How can industry be part of the obesity solution?

The big issue: How can industry be part of the obesity solution?

By Niamh Michail

Obesity and overweight rates continue to rise across the globe and although no country has managed to reverse the trend to date, all agree action is required. Join us for a free online event on May 25 where key issues will be up for debate.

Between 2011 and 2015, there was a 202% increase in the number of new food and drink product launches featuring the terms ‘superfood’, ‘superfruit’ or ‘supergrain’. © / baibaz

Super growth for superfoods, but is the halo starting to slip?

By Lynda Searby

Rates of ‘superfood’ new product development have tripled in the past five years, according to Mintel, but a nutrition expert warns that with no clear definition in existence, the allure of the ‘superfoods’ sell is starting to fade. 

Owen Paterson (left) and James Paice: opposite sides in Brexit debate

Brexit debate

Former Tory food ministers slug it out over Brexit

By Rick Pendrous

Britain’s ability to develop genetically modified (GM) foods was a central theme of a debate on next month’s EU referendum between two former Tory food ministers yesterday (May 12) in London.

This is the first human evidence that eating artificial sweeteners during pregnancy may increase the risk of early childhood overweight, say the researchers. © iStock

Artificial sweeteners linked to overweight babies

By Nathan GRAY

Consumption of artificially sweetened beverages during pregnancy could double the risk infants being overweight one year after birth, according to new research in mothers.

'In order for the Pantry app to be most effective, we envisage that collaboration with a large grocery retailer could be the way forward,' said lead researcher Elliot Woolley. © iStock

Industry must help consumers cut food waste, say app developers

By Niamh Michail

Focusing food waste efforts on industry when most waste happens at home is misdirected but industry must share best practice to help consumers cut waste, say the developers of a smart phone app that slashes domestic food waste by 34%.

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