
Will you be in Geneva for Vitafoods Europe 2016 this week?

Vitafoods Europe: Geneva pulls nutrition levers


The NutraIngredients team will be at Vitafoods Europe in Geneva this week scouring the showfloor and conference halls for hot stories, engaging the industry and scrutinising the latest nutrition innovations.

The publication of almost 250 pages of internal documents from the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the US suggests that a deal is increasingly unlikely. (©

TTIP leaks: Five points of interest for the food industry

By David Burrows

The publication of almost 250 pages of internal documents from the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the US suggests that a deal is increasingly unlikely. 

Smaller food and drink operators are more in favour of a Brexit than big manufacturers

Brexit debate

Brexit backed by more smaller food firms

By Rick Pendrous

Support for a Brexit in next month’s EU referendum is stronger among smaller food and drink operators, with many not expecting it to make a very big difference to their businesses, according to a new survey conducted by the publisher of this website.

Denmark is considering a carbon tax on foods following research that suggests consumers need to be pushed rather than nudged towards ethical diets.(©

Denmark chews over carbon tax on foods

By David Burrows

Denmark is considering a carbon tax on foods following research that suggests consumers need to be pushed rather than nudged towards ethical diets.

Sustainable manufacturing has much to offer food and drink manufacturers

Sustainable manufacturing: unlocking the future

By Mark Jolly

Sustainable manufacturing is the process of creating products through economically-sound processes that minimise the negative environmental impacts, while also conserving energy and natural resources. It carries significant promise for food and drink...

Older consumers aren't looking for silver bullet solutions but transparent support, research in Asia and Europe finds. © / CharlieAJA

Healthy agers: To market older, you’d better get wiser

By Lynda Searby

Europe’s seniors see functional foods as a 'dated' concept, are uncomfortable with products that expressly mention age, and want sustainable, naturally nutritious products, finds a consumer study led by the Healthy Marketing Team.

TTIP could damage food safety, protected origin foods and flood the EU market with cheap beef and dairy imports, Friends of the Earth has warned. Photo: iStock

TTIP – a nail in the coffin for EU food producers?

By David Burrows

The big winners of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal will be the corporate food giants and US factory farms with European producers set to lose the most, according to Friends of the Earth. "Entire sectors are at risk...

Monsanto hits back at MEP vote: 'We believe that African nations are beginning to ignore this European NGO noise and neocolonialism and decide for themselves whether GM technology offers them any benefits.' © / Polhansen

Monsanto slams EU attempt to block GM crops in Africa as 'neo-colonialism'

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Parliament’s Committee on Development has urged G8 member states “not to support GMO [genetically modified] crops in Africa” as part of its critical resolution on the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition - a decision agri giant Monsanto...

Nichols' relaunch of sugar-free brands will include the feel Good range of soft drinks

Nichols plans relaunch of sugar-free drinks range

By Gwen Ridler

Nichols announced a relaunch of its sugar-free brands this summer, following the news of the tax on sugary drinks, and predicted earnings would be in line with expectations.

Leaders ripping apart the black box

Leaders ripping apart the black box

By Virpi Varjonen

It’s hard to care when you don’t know the real supply chain picture, argues Scandinavia-based analyst Virpi Varjonen in this guest article.

Garlic: no longer to be shunned on a first date (as long as you choose the aglione variety) © KissinGarlic

Italian agri-entrepreneurs cultivate kiss-friendly heritage garlic

By Niamh Michail

Two Italian entrepreneurial farmers have launched KissinGarlic a mildly flavoured garlic that is easily digested and doesn't cause bad breath. But by cultivating a plant variety that was on the cusp of being lost, they're also on a mission to...

An Irish trade delegation to Iran is promoting the dairy industry, and hoping to explore new opportunities since international sanctions were lifted earlier this year. Photo: iStock - selensergen

Irish delegation promoting dairy in Iran

By Jim Cornall

Bord Bia; the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; and 17 Irish food companies are visiting Iran on a trade mission - the first from Ireland since international sanctions were lifted earlier this year.

Soups and cereals offer a white space for raw product launches in Germany. © Mintel

Raw foods on the rise as clean-label consumers crave more

By Niamh Michail

From snack bars to spreads, chocolate to cheese, the trend for raw ingredients in processed foods is spreading across Europe, says Mintel, as consumer attention goes beyond the ingredient list to look at clean-label processing methods.

Women picking fairtrade tea in India. Photo: iStock

What's the future direction for sustainable sourcing?

By Amarjit Sahota, director of Organic Monitor

Sustainable sourcing has become fashionable in the food industry, with a growing number of companies making such commitments. However, the increasing number of sustainability schemes raises questions about long-term developments.

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