
Sweden to inform future children's nutrition policy with 3,000-strong survey

Sweden to take 2-day snapshot of kids’ diets

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Swedish Food Authority (NFA) will look at what 3,000 children eat and drink over two days as part of a study into the diets of the country's youth. 

ECJ case is 'a critically needed' check on government actors and measures, says food lawyer

EFSA loses right to keep experts secret

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has lost its right to keep the names of contributing expert commentators a secret – a European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling that could be applied retrospectively.

Cargill takes over Italian citrus pectin plants, three years after they were bought by US-based FMC

Cargill buys Italian citrus pectin business

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Cargill is to acquire the pectin operations of US firm FMC - a move it hopes will help it tap into demand for 'label-friendly' ingredients. 

The authority was also asked to add ‘fresh’, ‘pure’, ‘original’, ‘authentic’, ‘real’, ‘genuine’ and ‘home-made' to its list

Irish artisans complain big brands ‘usurping’ their shelf space

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has begun its crack down on the misleading use of terms ‘artisan’, ‘farmhouse’, ‘traditional’ and ‘natural’ following complaints from artisan companies – but enforcement will be a challenge.

'Vegan athletes play an integral part in furthering the meat-free movement,' says the Vegan Society

Special edition: Protein

Vegethletics: Are you running on plants?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The ‘no meat athlete’ movement is showing that animal protein isn’t the only track available to sportspeople – and in turn this is smashing old perceptions about what it is to be vegan and vegetarian, says the Vegan Society.

Seaweed follows in the footsteps of 'global trailblazer' Scotch whiskey

Could Scottish seaweed be the next Scotch whisky?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Scottish seaweed industry seems set to boom as the country's government prepares an expansion policy and company Mara Seaweed seeks over €700,000 to take its condiments global.

Consumers are highly susceptible to the symbolic information that food marketers may specifically use on labelling to promote their products, write the researchers.

The power of symbolic wording on a food label

By Niamh Michail

Symbolic information on a food label can change the perception of a product – even when consumers are aware that this perception is false, write researchers.

Women are more likely than men to have concerns over food safety and food issues in general, says the report.

Sugar tops UK food concerns

By Niamh Michail

The amount of sugar in food is the top food concern for UK consumers, according to a Food Standards Agency survey.

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

By Niamh Michail

New legislation will require all large firms in the UK to report on their fight against slavery in the supply chain - but experts say the 'opt out' clause means its success could be limited.

The challenges of selling insects in Europe

The challenges of selling insects in Europe

By Niamh Michail

EU regulation is confusing but with growing consumer demand, it's still an attractive market. FoodNavigator spoke to five companies about the challenges of selling insects in Europe.

Almonds only grow in Mediterranean climate zones, like California

How is Californian drought affecting almond supply?


California provides 83% of the world’s almonds, but drought is affecting supply. FoodNavigator spoke to the Almond Board of California about how the industry is tackling water shortages – and why so much of the world is reliant on Californian almonds.

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

By Niamh Michail

There are no major differences in nutritional content between private labels, national brands and hard discount goods – although private labels come out top for nutrition labelling, according to a French government study.

 Chef Michael McGreal

Lights, camera, action! Edible insects in focus at IFT 2015

By Elaine Watson

No self-respecting food conference would be complete these days without a session on edible insects. But are they a gimmick or a serious source of alternative protein? FoodNavigator-USA editor Elaine Watson headed to the 2015 IFT show in Chicago to find...

Some people may be born with a weak sweet taste, the researchers found

Sweet taste perception may be (partly) genetic


Some people may perceive sweet tastes as weaker than others – perhaps leading them to add more sugar or sweetener to gain the same level of sweetness, new research suggests.

5% sugar reduction 'dramatic' for some on Twitter

SACN report

Twitterati: industry should lower sugar after SACN

By Nicholas Robinson

Manufacturers must do more to help consumers halve their overall energy intake from free-sugars to less than 5%, commentators on Twitter have urged after the release of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition's report on carbohydrates today.

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