
The human body has the same neurones in the brain and receptors in the brain and gut, say the researchers - suggesting that the mechanism may result in 'compensation' after consuming food and drink containing zero-calorie sweeteners.

Brain hormone could help distinguish sugar and zero calorie sweeteners

By Nathan Gray

Fruit flies have a set of neurones that fire only when they encounter real sugar – triggering the release of a hormone that is not released when they eat a non-calorific sweetener. And researchers suggest that humans possess the same ‘molecular machinery’.

“The over-consumption of sugar in our diets is now a well-documented public health disaster. But in order to address this problem, there is a vast range of other issues that must be addressed,

UK has 'moral responsibility' to limit EU sugar reform damage

By Niamh Michail

The end of EU sugar beet quotas could worsen the obesity crisis and damage the livelihoods of sugar cane growers and producers – and as an ex-colonial power Britain has a moral responsibility to act, says a report by the Food Research Collaboration.

“Surprisingly, findings show that strategies used to save money – such as buying groceries in bulk, monthly shopping trips, preference for supermarkets and cooking from scratch – actually end up generating more food waste,” wrote the team.

Researchers take aim at food-waste in the home

By Nathan Gray

The top causes of food waste in homes include buying too much, preparing in abundance, unwillingness to consume leftovers, and improper food storage, say researchers from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

Young Germans embrace meat reduction

Young Germans embrace meat reduction


Meat reduction and vegetarianism is a growing trend among German consumers – and one in five young people buys meat alternatives, according to new research from Mintel.

Raw food on the rise

Raw food on the rise


The trend toward raw foods is being driven by a growing group of consumers looking for ‘clean food’ – not just those who consider themselves raw foodists, says Teresa Havrlandova, founder of raw food firm Lifefood.

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

By Nathan Gray

Consumption of a sugar-sweetened drink on a daily basis may be associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), say researchers.

What push would EU firms need to change supply chains? Photo credits AR Harrison-Dunn

Seaweed in focus

What will it take to make Indonesian seaweed competitive?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn, reporting from Indonesia

Indonesia has ambitious plans to add value to its seaweed industry – but its success could depend on the outcome of an ongoing tug-of-war between industry and government.

Soy is challenging for food companies to discuss without courting controversy, so many companies choose to deal quietly and directly with their suppliers

Major companies are driving soy sustainability, says RTRS


Sustainability in the soy sector is being driven by food companies aiming to mitigate brand risk, according to Europe Outreach Manager for the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) Lieven Callewaert.

85% of fruit snack products analysed by Action on Sugar contained more sugar than Haribo Starmix sweets

Kids’ fruit snacks criticised for high sugar content


Many fruit snacks aimed at children contain more sugar than confectionery – but could be misconstrued as ‘healthy’ because of their association with real fruit, according to pressure group Action on Sugar.

Can we really price people out of the market for unhealthy foods?

Obesity: Are food taxes the answer?


Food taxes were raised again last week as a way to help stem obesity rates – but are they really necessary? And would they work?

Involving consumers in CSR initiatives can increase their impact - and add value to the company, says Poukka

Engage consumers in CSR to add value, says Deloitte


Companies are getting better at incorporating sustainability into their marketing strategies – and that’s good for business, says Deloitte Finland’s sustainability manager Riikka Poukka.

How can industry warm the Western palate to eating insects?

By Niamh Michail

To sell insects to Western consumers, food manufacturers must create products that align ethical motivations with sensory expectations – meaning cricket-flour cookies will fare better than chocolate-coated crickets. 

UK minister warns industry over sugar tax

UK minister warns industry over sugar tax

By Nathan Gray

Food and drink manufacturers and retailers could be forced to pay a sugar tax if they continue to sell unhealthy food, a UK minister has warned.

The report warned that SMEs would be adversely hit by additional administrative costs of mandatory labelling

Mandatory origin labelling: Costs outweigh the benefits, says EC

By Niamh Michail

Mandatory labelling for dairy could push up production costs by nearly 50% and limit consumer freedom of choice - the current status quo is the most suitable option, say two Commission reports that have been welcomed by the food industry.

Just scaling up alone without fundamental changes to farming practices could decrease costs by 25-50%

All Things Bugs: We’re having conversations with a lot of mainstream food manufacturers

By Elaine Watson

While cost is a barrier – and regulatory issues need ironing out – mainstream food manufacturers “have been way more open to this [using edible insects in their products] than you would probably think”, says the founder of the world’s largest insect-based...

Enzyme processing may offer new textures from egg protein

Enzyme processing may offer new textures from egg protein

By Nathan Gray

Researchers exploring the potential to create new food textures have suggested that egg protein hydrolysates could provide chefs and the food industry with solutions that aid the development of new products.

Among other terms, FSAI has outlined a clear definition of 'natural' foods

FSAI cracks down on ‘misleading’ marketing terms


The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has published guidance for food companies to ensure consumers are not misled by terms such as ‘natural’, ‘artisan’, ‘traditional’ and ‘farmhouse’.

Plant-based alternatives to meat include soy, cheese, eggs, nuts, mushrooms and pulses with advances in food technology meaning taste and texture is almost on a par with real meat.

Flexitarians fuel innovation in vegetarian food

By Niamh Michail

Vegetarians are enjoying a wide range of packaged food– but it's their flexitarian friends who are fuelling innovation in the taste and texture of plant-based meat alternatives.

Taxation necessary to offset rising cost of a healthy diet

By Niamh Michail

The price of fruit and vegetables in the UK has tripled in the past 30 years, while the price of ice cream has halved – a pattern being repeated across the developing world which is fuelling the global obesity crisis.

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