
Less talk of targets and more accelerated action, please, says Champions 12.3  © iStock

Action on food waste needs to accelerate, says SDG report

By David Burrows

Europe’s governments and companies have been great at setting targets to cut food waste, but now they need to “accelerate and scale up adoption of policies, incentives, and practices” to act upon these, according to a report on Sustainable Development...

'Only 40% of us have a healthy weight,' said health minister Simon Harris in a foreword to the report. 'In terms of scale, this represents one of the biggest public health challenges Ireland is facing today.'  © World Obesity Federation

Ireland launches national obesity plan

By Niamh Michail

The Irish government has launched an ambitious national obesity plan which proposes a sugary drinks tax, maximum portion sizes, marketing restrictions and reformulation targets - but the lack of funding to implement the policy has led to criticism from...

UK organic certification board, the Soil Association, is firm:

'The first step towards a future with healthy, hardy plants' - but are they GMO?

CRISPR gene edited cabbage grown and cooked for the first time

By Natalie Morrison

Cabbages modified with CRISPR-Cas9 “genetic scissors” have been harvested and cooked for what is believed to be the first time, Umeå University says.

Sustainability and farming: SVZ Ingredients

What does sustainability mean to you?

By Rachel Arthur

Successful sustainability initiatives need to consider how farmers work and think, and involve co-operation between all parties, says SVZ International.

The Better Buying Lab will identify ways to get consumers to make more sustainable food choices.  © iStock/RawPixelLtd

'We’re not against meat, we’re for the consumer.'

Better Buying Lab plants sustainable eating seeds

By Niamh Michail

Consumers say they want to eat sustainably but don't always buy sustainable food. In order to change this, The Better Buying Lab has enrolled Google, Quorn and Sodexo to understand why and accelerate the transition to plant-based proteins.  

'The adoption of these technologies will take place at an increasingly rapid rate, particularly in the case of food.' © iStock/Pepsikan

Is your firm ready for 3 waves of disruptive food innovation?

By Niamh Michail

In the next 10 years, the food industry will be profoundly changed by a series of disruptive innovations in three waves. "Some say these entrepreneurs will save the planet, others believe they will destroy our relationship with food. I believe it...

SPLENDA Naturals is made with two ingredients: stevia leaf extract and erythritol, with an MSRP of $3.99 for a 40 count box, and $6.99 for an 80 count box.

SPLENDA Naturals takes on Truvia with new stevia-based natural sweetener

By Elaine Watson

As sales of artificial sweeteners continue to slide, SPLENDA (a brand associated with the artificial sweetener sucralose) has moved into the faster-growing natural sweetener space with the launch of SPLENDA Naturals, a zero-calorie blend of the bulk sweetener...

“A sugar tax will just mean that the public spend more of their money on unhealthy foods,” says Bayn managing director Lucy Dahlgren. © iStock/BogdanReava

Profit increase can drive sugar reduction: Bayn

By Natalie Morrison

More profitable business models are needed for companies committed to healthier products, according to Bayn following the launch of its new Sugar Reduced Community.

© iStock/Alleko

Nestlé changes 'misleading' marketing over no-meat beef soup

By Niamh Michail

Nestlé has removed a picture of fresh beef from the packaging of its dried beef and carrot soup - which did not contain any beef - following a two-year campaign by industry watchdog Foodwatch over misleading marketing.

© iStock/©stocksnapper

UK pushes voluntary added sugar labelling scheme

By David Burrows

The UK government has confirmed that it will introduce “clearer visual labelling” in relation to free sugars on packaged food and drinks - but it will be voluntary.


Slimming food companies welcome EU law changes

By Lynda Searby

Forza Industries and trade association Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE) voice their support for new EU legislation that has clarified the use of weight loss claims on meal replacement products.

Ireland may follow Mexico and the UK and bring in a tax on sugary drinks in a bid to curb obesity.  © iStock

Ireland ponders sugary drinks tax

By Niamh Michail

A tax on sugary drinks is being considered by the Irish government as part of the upcoming budget, a measure condemned by the Irish Beverage Council (IBC) as “costly political posturing”.

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