
Sugar taxes: A case of pop policy and comic consultation

By J T Winkler, emeritus professor of nutrition policy, London Metropolitan University

The UK's sugar tax was little more than populist light relief to brighten a speech full of economic doom and gloom. But what's worse, argues Professor Jack Winkler, is that the government's 'pseudo-consultation' about the tax is...

Photo: iStock / Evgeny Gromov

France calls for an end to TTIP talks

By Niamh Michail

The French trade minister said yesterday France wants to end TTIP negotiations, his German counterpart has said the talks have “de facto failed” and the deal’s biggest supporter, Britain, has voted to leave the EU. Is TTIP over before it even started?

In 2015 global volumes of energy drinks reached 8.8 billion litres – up 10% from the previous year despite political turmoil around the sector. ©iStock/Elisanth_

Germany overtakes US as top energy drink innovator

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

For the first time Germany has overtaken the US as the top energy drink innovator with the highest rates of new product development (NPD) in 2015, according to Mintel. 

The working group of 21 independent researchers evaluated more than 1,000 studies. ©iStock/nensuria

WHO adds more cancer types linked to excess weight

By Will Chu

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified obesity as more of a risk factor for cancer than previously thought as a report identifies more cancer types linked to excess weight. 

'There will be a lot of head scratching and we will have to ask harder questions,' says researcher following disappointing study results. ©iStock/Gajus

Study delivers blow to nutrigenomic hopes – but damage not fatal

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Results of a huge EU-backed project have dashed hopes that phenotypic and genotypic information could boost the effectiveness of personalised nutrition programmes. But one of the researchers behind the project says the findings open as many doors as they...

UK sugar tax consultation launched

UK sugar tax: Government unveils plans and consultation

By Rachel Arthur

The UK government has confirmed details of its plans for a tax on sugar sweetened beverages, launching a consultation on the levy along with its long-awaited childhood obesity strategy today. 

The Games got underway last Friday in Brazil with food & drink brand sponsorship coming under the spotlight. ©iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

Analysis: Is Olympics sponsorship all pain for little gain?

By David Burrows

Performance enhancing drugs have been the media focus in the run-up to the Olympics in Rio. But as the Games got underway last Friday in Brazil it was food and drink brands that were in the spotlight as campaigners and industry engaged in a heated spat...

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