
Yesterday (August 8), the RSPO lifted the suspension imposed on the Malaysian palm oil supplier back on April 1. ©iStock

IOI starts long journey to win back major customers

By David Burrows

IOI took just four months to regain its certification by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), but convincing major customers to take it back could take much longer, according to experts and NGOs.

IOI saw its RSPO membership suspended following allegations of illegal deforestation. ©iStock


RSPO lifts IOI's suspension

By Niamh Michail

The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has lifted the suspension of Malaysian palm oil supplier IOI citing "good progress" made by the group.

At four hours, lactic acid for native Okara was 2.45 fold higher than the control fructo-oligosaccharides. ©iStock/alffoto

Soybean by-product tipped as alternative prebiotic

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

By-product Okara, otherwise known as ‘soy pulp’ or ‘tofu dreg’, is a promising novel prebiotic, according to researchers testing the ingredient in a human gut model. 

The Commission says this is a 'time of transition' when Europe is reducing the use of animal testing thanks to major technological advances. ©iStocktiripero

Archive Article of the Week

From law to labs: EU's tide change for animal experiments

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

With mounting public pressure, the EU has experienced a tide change on the use of animal experiments in recent years. But is this in vitro political will reflected in vivo on lab floors?

Photo: iStock / Magone

'Healthy' dips are salt and fat traps: CASH survey

By Niamh Michail

British public health charity, Consensus Action on Salt, has blasted so-called ‘healthy’ dips such as hummus as being salt and fat traps, as its survey reveals 74% of hummus dips have a red front of pack label for fat.

Can these people be trusted with nutritional advice? ©iStock

Can health pros be trusted with nutritional information?

By Bert Schwitters

If you can't trust 'health professionals' to sift nutrition data, who can you trust? argues EU food law critic Bert Schwitters after a recent ECJ ruling that potentially shifts the meaning of commercial and non-commercial nutritional communication.

Contrary to popular (European) belief, there are some areas in which the US has stricter food safety standards - such as the use of antibiotics in animal rearing, says the report. © iStock

TTIP could bring food safety regulations to a standstill: Report

By David Burrows

The controversial trade deal between the EU and the US could give multinational companies increased power to challenge food laws that impact their bottom line, according to an analysis by the US-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)....

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