
©KP Snacks

KP Snacks under fire for cricket tournament sponsorship

By Oliver Morrison

The owner of a host of iconic snack brands says its partnership with a new cricket tournament will help grow the sport and encourage families to get active. But campaigners reckon the promotion of HFSS food through sport sends the wrong message in light...

getty | image jungle

Study: Gut health most influenced by teams of bacteria

By Nikki Hancocks

Gut microbial species work in teams to perform different functions, suggesting that cultivating certain groups of bacteria is more important than single species, according to an international team of researchers.


US tariffs on EU food: Europe fears collateral damage

By Oliver Morrison

Europe's food and drink sector ‘deeply regrets’ the US decision to slap 25% tariffs on EU agri-food products including Scotch whisky, Italian cheese, Spanish olives, German coffee and British biscuits.


Cutting meat consumption may cause ‘serious harm’, academics warn

By Oliver Morrison

There is a lack of robust evidence to confirm link between meat eating as part of a healthy diet and the development of Western diseases, according to a paper that contends there are a wide range of benefits delivered by meat that are not always easily...

Tea bags can be made from plastic or paper, or use a combination of the two. Pic:getty/alexthq

Plastic tea bags release microplastics into brew, says study

By Rachel Arthur

Plastic tea bags can release billions of microplastic and nanoplastic particles into a cup of tea, according to Canadian researchers. But while the scientists say some brands have shifted to plastic tea bags instead of paper ones, the industry counters...

Danish Crown adopts responsible soy policy

Danish Crown adopts responsible soy policy

By Aidan Fortune

Pork producer Danish Crown has taken what it calls a “significant step” to improve sustainability with the adoption of a responsible soy policy.

Dr José Herrera, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Malta, joined Muscat at the ECMA Congress. Photo: ECMA.

ECMA Congress 2019

Malta PM: ‘We were more prepared for the Millennium Bug than Brexit’

By Jenny Eagle

‘Your guess is as good as mine on Brexit’, said Joseph Muscat, the Prime Minster of Malta, at the opening of the ECMA Congress 2019 last week (September 19-20), ‘But what is obvious, is during the next few days there needs to be a meaningful engagement’.

Business is progressively acknowledging how deeply reliant it is on the planet’s biodiversity.

Dairy companies among biodiversity pledge coalition

By Jim Cornall

Nineteen companies and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), have launched a new initiative to protect and restore biodiversity within their supply chains and product portfolios.

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