MOMO Kombucha and Natoora collaborate to create Watermelon Kombucha
Kombucha brand MOMO have collaborated with greengrocer Natoora to create a watermelon Kombucha, which will be available on 25 July.
The drink combines MOMO’s Kombucha with Sentinel Watermelon, which was grown by Oscar Zerbinati, in Mantua, Northern Italy, an area well-known for its melon growing. Growing the melons slowly, Zerbinati ensures that each plant only has one melon, which focuses all the plant’s energy on that single fruit, and restricts their water intake, forcing them to cling to the nutrients in the soil. They can grow up to 18kg.
MOMO’s kombucha is brewed in small glass jars, which ensures that the bacteria and yeast are balanced.
“We are so grateful to have partnered with Natoora and to have been able to combine Zerbinati’s expertly grown watermelons with our kombucha,” said MOMO founder Josh Puddle.
“I wasn’t sure the flavour would cut through the kombucha, but it really does and has totally surpassed our expectations – all credit to our Head Brewer Matt Canham. We’re also happy to be supporting Natoora’s Farm Fund through this partnership, a fantastic organisation supporting young farmers committed to agroecological methods.”
As well as Natoora and MOMO’s website, the new drink will be available from Planet Organic and Whole Foods.
Image Source: MOMO