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US meat exporters are waiting for South Africa to follow through on deal

US poultry firms wait for South Africa to admit AGOA-deal exports

By Ed Zwirn

The extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) may have occurred over a month ago, but US poultry and pork exporters say they have yet to receive a break under the agreement. And at least one trade group has called for limits on the participation...

Premium cuts of beef have seen a decline in Europe

EU prefers cheaper cuts of beef

By Michelle Perrett

Consumers in EU countries France, the UK, Germany, Spain and Italy are favouring cheaper cuts of beef rather than premium cuts.  

Movement implies freshness: Study

Movement implies freshness – even for packaged food


Implied motion in food advertising – such as an image of juice being poured into a glass – may make food appear fresher and more appealing, according to a study published in Food Quality and Preference.

Healthy fats make leaner kids, says study

Healthy fats make leaner kids, says study

By Nathan Gray

Children who report eating more polyunsaturated fatty acids are leaner and have lower body fat percentages than those who consume higher amounts of saturated fats, say researchers.

French retailer Auchan to build a US$40m meat-processing plant in Russia

Auchan to open meat plant in Russia

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

French retailer Auchan has announced plans to build a meat plant in Russia, following a veterinary scandal at the Russian arm of the retailer.

A new EU-Vietnamese free trade agreement could present opportunities for pork and poultry exporters

EU-Vietnam trade deal creates positivity

By Keith Nuthall and Mandy Kovacs

The European Union (EU) meat and livestock sector has welcomed the recent EU-Vietnamese free trade agreement. The industry said it could help exporters sell more pork and poultry to this growing emerging market of 84 million people.

Italian politicians defend palm oil

Italian politicians defend palm oil


Italian politicians have submitted two resolutions to parliament defending palm oil in the face of anti-palm oil campaigns, calling it a raw material of fundamental importance for Italian industry.

Consumer behaviour shifts from ‘shopaholic’ to ‘saveaholic’

15 year challenge to develop products with, not for customers

Consumer behaviour has shifted from ‘shopaholic’ to ‘saveaholic’

By Jenny Eagle

One challenge for companies in the next 15 to 20 years will be to develop products with customers, not for them, according to Jörgen Jedbratt, trend forecaster, Kairos Future research and consulting firm, Stockholm.

Manufacturers need to think about fructose bad press and reformulate fast, says analyst

Will fructose follow trans fats’ fate?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Mounting scientific evidence and a shift in public opinion could mean fructose is set to follow the same black-listed fate as trans fats, argues an analyst.

The beef and veal market has been overtaken by poultry in Europe

Beef and veal consumption down in the EU

By Michelle Perrett

There has been a decline in per capita beef and veal consumption caused by the EU economic crisis and reduced supply, according to UK red meat body AHDB Beef & Lamb.

Armenia will halt beef imports from Georgia, following an outbreak of anthrax

Outbreaks of anthrax raise concerns in post-Soviet Union space

By Vladislav Vorishnikov

Armenia will temporarily block any imports of beef from Georgia for personal consumption, following a recently detected outbreak of anthrax in the country, according to a report from Armenia’s veterinary services.

Bakkavor recently sold its remaining Italian pizza business

Bakkavor sees international sales boost

By John Wood

Bakkavor has boosted turnover and profits for the half-year to June 27, with its international business making up for a decline in UK sales in the second quarter.

As Maggi affair nears a conclusion, questions need to be asked


As Maggi affair nears a conclusion, questions need to be asked

By RJ Whitehead

Over the last few days it feels like we’ve written about little more than the Maggi noodles affair in India. Thankfully it is now reaching a conclusion. But still it raises some vitally important questions that must surely be addressed.

Denmark is promoting pork as a nutritious alternative to chicken

Danish industry to promote health benefits of pork

By Poorna Rodrigo

Denmark’s pig meat industry is trying to promote pork as a nutritious alternative to chicken, which can be even healthier if the right cuts are consumed, an industry expert said. 

Nomad Foods has agreed to pay £500m for Findus

Nomad to buy Findus for £500m

By Michelle Perrett

International frozen foods company Nomad Foods has agreed to buy the European arm of Findus for approximately £500m. 

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