
Radical new twist in Ajinomoto vs Asda 'nasty' battle

Radical new twist in Ajinomoto vs Asda 'nasty' battle

By Elaine Watson

The legal dispute between Ajinomoto and Asda over the right to call aspartame 'nasty' has taken a radical new turn following a Court of Appeal judgment effectively overturning last year's High Court ruling.

Spirulina faces legal questions

Spirulina faces legal questions

By Elaine Watson

Spirulina, the blue colour from algae used in Nestlé’s Smarties, is one of 10 substances used to colour food that faces an uncertain future as its legal status is scrutinised.

Battery egg fraudster jailed

Battery egg fraudster jailed

By Jess Halliday

The perpetrator of a scam to sell some 36 million battery eggs as free range in the UK has been jailed for three years and ordered to pay hefty fines. The case has prompted the introduction of more stringent traceability measures.

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